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Linux kullan�c�l�ar�n�n veya uzmanlar�n�n Linux hakk�ndaki d���ncelerini dile getirdikleri yaz�lar�n i�eri�i. |
Ortak Sanal �al��ma Ortam� ve onun avantajlar�
Some background information about a new virtual learing project at the Universidad Santiago de Cali.
Durum �al��mas�: A��k Kod ��erik Y�netim Sistemleri E-ticaret
It's one thing to formulate a great idea for a Website that's informative, entertaining, and commercially viable. It's quite another turning a passion into a robust e-commerce Website.
Free Unix : the BSD one(s)
This aricle takes a look at the species "BSD UNIX".
Temel akustikler ve Sinyal ��leme
Everything about sound. The physics, wave forms, the human ear.... What is digital sound...?
Bir zamanlar... ticari Unix �cretsiz Unix
Why choosing between a commercial or a free Unix
Unix'e kar�� Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Sunucusu
The goal of this article is provide managers in corporations with the data and comparisons necessary to make well-informed decisions concerning the installation of servers for the corporate environment. All the information presented in this article summarizes the experience of a number of information systems professionals.
Okuyucular�m�zdan G�nderiler
E-mail feedback after the first issue of Linuxfocus went out
At'�n A�z�ndan Dosdo�ru
Bill Gates on customer support
Linux Nedir?
A brief history of Linux
G�rsely�re sayfalar�n�n bak�m�, LinuxFocus
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