G�le g�le Guido
After many years of very interesting work with LinuxFocus I (Guido Socher) will
leave the project. It is difficult step because LinuxFocus was once my passion and hobby,
so there are a lot of feelings involved, but I can't do it forever.
I will move on to http://tuxgraphics.org.
The recently started series on microcontroller programming will
continue at tuxgraphics.org.
There are a number of people who are willing to continue LinuxFocus. Write
to new(at)linuxfocus.org if you want to join them. They need both people
and hardware.
During the transition LinuxFocus will stay online. To avoid that the existing
site becomes unavailable while possible restructuring is ongoing the new
team will settle first at new.linuxfocus.org (We will link to it once this site
is available).
LinuxFocus has 12964 files therefore this seems the best solution.
I wish the new team good luck and a problem free start
Guido Socher
Software Development
[available in:
English | Castellano
Computer Assisted Simulation of DNA using Linux and Perl,
by Carlos Andrés Pérez ../
In this article we discuss a way to generate n-DNA sequences with s-nucleotids using Perl programmes.
[available in:
English | Français
Automate the creation of graphs with Graphviz,
by Jean-Etienne Poirrier
Graphviz is a command-line open source graph visualization software.
Software development
[available in:
English | Français
LF Tip: #defines for writing portable C-code,
by Guido Socher
How to get a list of available defines.
[available in:
English | ChineseGB
A digital DC power supply -- part 2: the software,
by Guido Socher
A very small an really powerful DC power supply for your hobby lab. In this second part
I explain how the software works and one more feature is added.
System Administration
[available in:
Book review: The Linux Enterprise Cluster,
by Tom Uijldert
A review of the book "The Linux Enterprise Cluster" from No Starch press.
System Administration
[available in:
English | ChineseGB | Français | Russian
LF Tip: USB mice and laptops,
by Guido Socher
How to get a USB mouse to work without restarting the X-server.
[available in:
English | Deutsch | Français
A toolchain for transformation from paper to HTML,
by Iznogood
Here is one toolchain to convert and old paper magazine into html document.
Software Development
[available in:
English | Deutsch | Français
Faulty Software,
by Ralf Wieland
Controversial discussions have started around estimates about the number of faults which a given software has. Often the fault-density is used as a measure for the quality of software. Is that correct?
[available in:
English | Français | Türkçe
A digital DC power supply,
by Guido Socher
A very small an really powerful DC power supply for your hobby lab. It has lots of features which you normally find only in very expensive power supplies. This one is however cheap, small and easy to build.
System Administration
[available in:
English | ChineseGB | Français
LF tip: Using Acrobat 7 with kde and kprinter,
by Gerrit Renker
How to work around a bug in acroread version 7.
System Administration
[available in:
English | ChineseGB | Français
LF Tip: Don't beep at me,
by Guido Socher
How to quickly stop your linux computer from beeping.
Software Development
[available in:
English | Deutsch | Français
Cruising with the snavigator,
by Gerrit Renker
This article presents the snavigator, a powerful code analysis, cross-referencing and re-engineering tool.
[available in:
English | Castellano | ChineseGB | Français | Russian
LF Tip: essential firefox extensions,
by Guido Socher
Two really cool firefox extensions that you really have to install.
[available in:
English | ChineseGB | Français
lcdproc -- LCD displays easy to use and easy to build,
by Guido Socher
In this article we use lcdproc to connect a LCD display and 2 buttons to a linux pc; simple and easy to build for everybody.
Software Development
[available in:
English | Castellano | ChineseGB | Deutsch | Français
LINUX & PERL, computer tools for study and analysis of biological information,
by Carlos Andrés Pérez
This article shows how easy it is to extract biological information from DNA, RNA and proteine sequences Databases using small perl scripts.
[available in:
English | Castellano | ChineseGB | Deutsch | Français | Russian
LF Tip: solving the ugly key problem,
by Guido Socher
Good looking alternatives to the Windows key.
[available in:
English | ChineseGB | Deutsch | Italiano
Bayonne: the opensource project inside phone and IVR services,
by Luca Bariani
GNU Bayonne is a scalable telephony application server.
Software development
[available in:
English | ChineseGB | Deutsch | Français | Russian
Optimizing C/C++ programs using the GProf profiler,
by Arnout Engelen
One of the most important things to keep in mind while optimizing an application is: optimize the code where it counts.
[available in:
English | ChineseGB | Deutsch
Part 2 -- A digital thermometer or talk I2C to your atmel microcontroller,
by Guido Socher
In this second part of the article we will connect a LCD display and I will explain how the software works.
The LinuxFocus Tip, March 2005
[available in:
English | Castellano | ChineseGB | Français | Indonesian
LF Tip:Cloning entire PCs over the network,
by Gerrit Renker
This tip explains how to clone partitions with dump and restore.
[available in:
English | Castellano | Français
Professional Tex(t)Authoring with LyX,
by Gerrit Renker
This article is written for people who have a lot of text editing/authoring
to do and are primarily interested in getting the text edited fast, reliable with a
plesant looking printout.
Kernel Corner
[available in:
English | ChineseGB | Deutsch | Français
Writing your own netfilter match,
by Nicolas Bouliane
The iptables/netfilter framework gives us the possibility to add features. To do so, we write kernel modules that registers against this framework.
[available in:
English | Castellano | ChineseGB | Deutsch | Français
A digital thermometer or talk I2C to your atmel microcontroller,
by Guido Socher
In this article we see how to interconnect the microcontroller to a linux PC over a physical RS232 interface without the extra MAX232 chip.
The LinuxFocus Tip, February 2005
[available in:
English | Castellano | ChineseGB | Deutsch | Français | Nederlands | Russian
LF Tip: generating PDF from html documents,
by Guido Socher
Some tips for generating PDF files.
Gpg e-ileti parmak izlerini Sylpheed-Claws ile denetlemek Iznogood
Bu yaz�da gpg plugin'nin nas�l kuruldu�u ve Sylypheed-Claws i�erisindeki e-ileti parmak izlerini
kabuk programlar� ve borulama ile nas�l denetlendi�i anlat�lmaktad�r.
ParallelKnoppix, Majid Hameed
15 dakikadan daha k�sa s�rede haz�rlanabilen, MPI ve paralel hesaplamaya uygun Knoppix tabanl� bir Linux K�me da��t�m�!
LinuxFocus Ocak 2005 yolg�stereni
LF Yolg�stereni: LinuxFocus'un canl� yer i�aretleri, Guido Socher
LinuxFocus'un Ocak 2005 i�in ilk yolg�sterenidir.
Sistem Y�netimi
Linux alt�nda kablosuz yerel a�, Wang Xu
Bu yaz�da, bilinen baz� kablosuz yerel a� kartlar�n s�r�c� y�klemeleri ile 802.1x kimliklendirme y�ntemleri gibi
baz� ilgili konular anlat�lmaktad�r.
Sistem Y�netimi
CheckInstall, Mario M. Knopf
CheckInstall tar.gz kaynak dosyalar�ndan otomatik olarak RPM paketleri olu�turulmas�n� sa�layan bir ara�t�r.
B�ylece hemen hemen her tar.gz dosyas�n�n sisteme temiz bir �ekilde y�klenmesini ve sistemden kald�r�lmas�
Sistem Y�netimi
SPF'ye giri�, Bruno Sousa (�evirilmekte)
SPF (Sender Policy Framework - G�nderen �lkeler �er�evesi) e-iletilerin de�i�tirilmesini �nleyen bir standart.
Fn-F12: IBM Thinkpad T20 diz�st� bilgisayar�n� Hibernate'lemek, Jan Alonzo (hen�z �eviriren yok)
Windows y�kl� olmadan IBM Thinkpad T20'yi Hibernate'lemek (suspend-to-disk)
gEDA'y� kullanmak, Iznogood (hen�z �eviriren yok)
gEDA (gnu Electronic Design Automation - GNU Elektronik Tasar�m Otomasyonu) elektronik devre tasar�m� i�in yaz�l�m programlard�r.
LinuxFocus Aral�k 2004 yolg�stereni
LF Yolg�stereni: firefox'taki url'leri d�zenlemek i�in Emacs tu� atamalar�, Guido Socher
Yaz�l�m geli�tirme
Serbest Pascal derleyicisi olan Free Pascal'� tan�y�n, Razmal Djamal
H�zl� yaz�l�m geli�tirme �r�n� olan Delphi ile yar��ta olan Free Pascal, metin ortam� programlama ile
nesneye dayal� yaz�l�m geli�tirme �zelliklerini ta��maktad�r.
LinuxFocus Kas�m 2004 2. yolg�stereni
LF Yolg�stereni: motd ve issue'n�n yap�land�r�lmas�, Mario M. Knopf
GCC libc-1.0.4 ile AVR mikroi�lemcisini programlamak, Guido Socher
Mikroi�lemciler, gelece�in donan�m bile�enlerinden biridir. Mikori�lemcinin
Linux i�letim sisteminde C ile nas�l prgramlanabilece�inini ��renebilirsiniz.
LinuxFocus Kas�m 2004 yolg�stereni
Anti-aliasing �zelli�ini devre d��� b�rakmak, Guido
Yaz�l�m geli�tirme
Ortamdan ba��ms�z yaz�l�m geli�tirmek, Michael Tschater (�evirilmekte)
Bu yaz�da i�letim sistemlerinden ba��ms�z kullan�c� grafik aray�z�
geli�tirme olanaklar� incelenmektedir.
LinuxFocus Ekim 2004 yolg�stereni
Klavye d�zenini de�i�tirmek, Guido
Unix temelleri
Mount noktalar�n�n gizemi, Guido Socher
Bu yaz� mount noktalar�n� anlat�yor. Ancak ben, ileri d�zeye eri�mi� Linux
kullanac�lar�n da yaz�da yararl� bilgiler bulabilmelerini umuyorum.
Hugin, Enblend ve Gimp ile panoramik bak��
a��lar� olu�turmak, Katja Socher
Bu yaz�da panaromik resimleri Hugin, Enblend ve Gimp ile nas�l yap�laca�� anlat�l�yor.
Basit canland�r�m, Alexander Langer (�evirilmekte)
�ocuklar ve b�y�kler i�in basit ve e�lenceli bir canland�r�m olu�turma.
Bilimde Linux -
Ya da kullan��l� bir sinirsel a� uygulmas� nas�l geli�tirildi, Ralf Wieland (�evirilmekte)
Bu yaz�da, bilimde kullan��l� ve Linux tabanl� bir yaz�l�m�n nas�l geli�tirildi�i g�sterilmektedir.
Sistem y�netimi
darkstat - bir a� trafik analisti , Mario M. Knopf
Bu yaz�da bir a� trafik analisti olan darkstat'� tan�yaca��z. Yaz�l�m�n y�klenmesi,
ba�lat�lmas� ve kullan�lmas� anlat�l�yor.
LinuxFocus'a yaz� yazmak ister misiniz?
LinuxFocus bir�ok insan�n katk�s� ve deste�i sayesinde ayakta durmaktad�r. Deneyim ve
bilginizi payla��n! Bir yaz� yaz�n.
Yaz� yazmak isteyenler, �ekinmeden bizimle ileti�ime ge�ebilir ve kim bilir,
bu g�r��meden bir yaz� ��kar. Linux'u ara� veya ama� olarak kullanan herkes, deneyimini
ba�kalar�yla payla�mal� ve ve yaz� yazmal�d�r. Yazaca��n�z yaz�lar�n �ok karma��k veya
uzun olmas� da gerekmiyor. �nemli olan denyimlerinizi anlatman�z ve b�ylece ayn� veya benzer
konuyla ilgili olanlara yol g�stermenizdir.
Yaz� yazmak i�in, yaz�m k�lavuzunu okuyabilir ve
taslak dosyas�ndan yararlanabilirsiniz.
Katk�n�z, yard�mlar�n�z ve yarat�c�l���n�z i�in �imdiden te�ekk�r ederiz!
LinuxFocus �evirmenler ar�yor!
Yaz�lar�n T�rk�e'ye �evirilmesi �ok zaman almaktad�r. Bu i�in g�n�ll� yap�ld��� da g�z �n�nde
bulundurulursa, yeni ��kan yaz�lar�n �ok k�sa s�rede T�rk�e'ye �evirilmesinde bazen aksakl�klar
ya�anmaktad�r. Aksakl�k olu�mas�n�n ba�l�ca nedeni , �eviri yapmakta olan ki�i say�s�n�n az
olmas� ve bunlar�n ayn� zamanda bir i�yerinde �al���yor veya bir okulada okuyor olmalar�d�r.
Uzun s�z�n k�sas�, bizim �ngilizce'den veya Almanca'dan T�rk�e'ye �eviri yapacak ki�ilere
gereksinmemiz vard�r. �eviri i�i bir y�k olarak g�r�lmemelidir. �nsan �eviri yaparken,
hem �evirdi�i dili, hem de kendi dilini daha iyi tan�makta ve ��renmektedir.
Ayr�ca �eviren ki�i, �evirmi� oldu�u
yaz�y� da daha iyi anlam�� oluyor. Yabanc� dili zay�f olan insanlar�m�z�n sizin �evirilerinizden
yararlanacaklar� da d���n�ld���nde, insan manevi bir tatmin duymaktad�r.
Yaz�lar�m�z� �evirmek i�in bizimle ba�lant�ya ge�ebilir ve
�eviri yaparken, �evirmenin k�lavuzu'dan yararlanabilirsiniz.
Uzman bir �nternet servis sa�lay�c�s� olan www.netsystem.nl, web ve sunucu bar�nma yeri sa�lamaktad�r!

Destek�ilerimizin tam listesine ula�mak istiyorsan�z,
buraya t�klay�n.