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Re: New (to me) DVI->PDF converter
>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Komarinski <markk@cgipc.com> writes:
Mark> Just found this on freshmeat:
Mark> http://gaspra.kettering.edu/dvipdfm/index.htm
Mark> The dvipdfm program goes from DVI to PDF (I hope you figured
Mark> that out by now). Seems to make use of the TeX \special tag
Mark> to do stuff, and that's about the extent of my TeX
Mark> knowledge.
Mark> Could this be the replacement for JadeTeX we're looking for?
I haven't looked at it, yet, but:
- Does it makes links on PDF? PDFJadetex does... And it goes from TeX
to PDF, with no DVI on the process.
- How good is its output?
I think that we also want to get PostScript from our sources... We are
still needing Jadetex at LDP...
See you,
Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com>
Departamento de Publica��es Conectiva S.A.
Publishing Department Conectiva Inc.
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