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Re: sgml tools help

Sorry, my previous mail is wrong encoded and can not be read.

I wrote:

  | Hi.
  | In article <14570.41743.787044.574412@sucia.home>,
  |   at Tue, 4 Apr 2000 19:21:03 -0700 (PDT),
  |     on sgml tools help,
  |  Tom Fawcett <fawcett@mindspring.com> writes:
  | > Are there instructions anywhere that explain, start to finish, how to
  | > install a set of working tools for converting DocBook documents into
  | > (tex,pdf,html,txt)?
  | >
  | > The old sgmltools package provided backends like sgml2ps.  The current
  | > sgmltools RPM includes various binaries (eg jade, jadetex, nsgmls,
  | > sgmltools), but no mention in the documentation of backends to produce
  | > final output.
  | sgmltools command should have its manpage. Can't you read it by
  |  "man sgmltools" ?
  | for html, use "sgmltools -b html <sgml files>"
  | for ps,  use "sgmltools -b ps <sgml files>"
  | for txt,  use "sgmltools -b txt <sgml files>"
  | Here is quoted from "man sgmltools"
  |        sgmltools  [-b  backend]  [-d]  [-v]  [-V]  [-h]  [-l] [-s
  |        dsssl_spec]         [-j         jadeopt]          [--back�
  |        end={html,ps,dvi,rtf,txt,ld2db,jadetex}] [--debug] [--ver�
  |        bose]    [--dsssl-spec=dsssl_spec]    [--jade-opt=jadeopt]
  |        [--version] [--help] [--license]
  | > The OSWG provides a pointer to a working set of tools
  | > (ftp://sourceware.cygnus.com:/pub/docbook-tools/).  These include 
  | > db2XXX backends for DocBook, eg db2ps, from the stylesheets package.
  | > But there's no txt backend, and from the package listing that 
  | > Greg Ferguson's posted I assume these aren't the tools the LDP uses
  | > anyway.
  | The package list implies that Greg uses jade itself.
  | Usage of jade is some more complicated (or having too long options and
  | arguments to remember), but using jade itself can bring you more power,
  | for example, sgml-tools-2 can not handle DocBk XML currently, AFAIK.
  | --
  |   Taketoshi Sano: <kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp>

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