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Re: web development software with linux

On jeu, 02 mar 2000, KH Meyer � �crit
>I've just started web design projects, and I'm using Homesite 

don't know

and Dreamweaver 

very nice, but very complicated

to build my HTML code.  Can these be used on linux or


does linux offer equivalent web development software? 

t's difficult to say, what is "equivallent"? There is no big web
monitoring software on linux as dreamweaver, but one can use more "simple"
ones still maintaining very big sites, for as in most cases with unix,
there are a bunch of utilities at hand.

I just tried dreamweaver, it's for that I answer. I first use templates,
very nice, with a page of javascript to animate the mouse's icons.

however I very quick understand than I had problems with graphics. No
manner I use Paintshop pro or Gimp, I have not the skill to build all
these small icons (three for the same link!).

Finally I revert to bluefish as editor and more simple text links and
color tags. There, dreamweaver didn't help.

In fact the biggest work is to find a graphic chart. After that, all the
pages are the same. java and php need libraries, not web pagers.

 Also, does Java
work in linux too? >thx... >Dee Meyer
>PS: I haven't used linux yet, but I'm interested and want to find out as much as possible before I switch over from windows.

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