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LF Tip: USB ���ͱʼDZ�����
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A digital DC power supply -- part 2: the software
very small an really powerful DC power supply for your hobby lab. In this second part I explain how the software works and one more feature is added.
LF Tip: ������ཽ�����
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LF tip: �� KDE ��� kprinter һ��ʹ�� Adobe Acrobat Reader 7
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LF Tip: ��Ҫ�� FireFox ��չ
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Bayonne: �绰��IVR�����еĿ�Դ��Ŀ
Bayonne ��GNU�ƻ��е�IVR��绰������,Ҳ����˵����һ�����ɺͿ�Դ������.
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LINUX & PERL, ѧϰ�ͷ�������ѧ��Ϣ�ĵ��Թ���
lcdproc -- ʹLCD��ʾ������ʹ�ú�����
��ô��ʱ���ˣ�linuxfocus�Ķ��߿��ܻ��ǵ��ҵľ����£�March 2003: Linux USB LCD display with watchdog and buttons��A LCD control panel for your Linux server����Щ���ǹ��ڰ����LCD��壬���м��ӹ���ADC�ȵȡ� �ܾ���ǰ�Ҿ�ע�������Щ����Ĺ������Dz������á����ڣ���ƪ���½��ṩ�������ģ�ͣ�LCD��ʾ����2����ť����ÿ������˵��������������
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LF Tip: ��HTML�ļ�����PDF
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SPF ���
SPF �Ƿ��ͷ����Կ�� (Sender Policy Framework) ����д��ϣ���ܳ�Ϊһ����α��������ֹα���ʼ���ַ����ƪ���¶� SPF �����˼��ܣ�������������һЩ�ŵ�Ͳ��㡣
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LF Tip: ʹ��Emacs������Firefox�б༭URL
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Fn-F12: ��IBM Thinkpad T20�ʼDZ���������
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Checkinstall ��һ���ܴ� tar.gz���Դ�����Զ�����RPM��Debian��Slackware��װ���ij�������ʹ�����ü������е� tar.gz ���Դ�������ɡ��ɾ����İ�װ����ж�ذ���
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LF ����: �������motd & issue
LF С���ӣ���ʱ�ı���̲���
Linux �ڿ�ѧ�� - ������һ����ǿ��������繤�߰���
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vsftpd - Very Secure FTP Daemon ���
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Dia, һ��ͼ����������
Dia, һ�� gnome �µ�ͼ���༭����
Colorful shells -- Using ANSI color codes
This article explains how to use colors or bold text in a Terminal.
Gentoo linux
Gentoo Linux is a source package based Linux system. It is very different from the established commercial Linux distributions.
shivalik -- simple configuration backup (defying Murphy's laws)
There are a whole lot of HOWTOs out there which tell you what to do if you have a serious problem with your Linux installation. Good for us. But there is no one there who told you what you should do before disaster strikes you!
Rsync: The Best Backup System Ever
Backup is one of the hardest and most neglected parts of system administration. This article presents a very easy solution based on rsync.
Linux for S/390 (IBM z-Series)
S/390 is a robust hardware platform from IBM for large enterprices. Linux runs on it.
Gambas: Basic for Linux
Gambas is a Basic interpreter for Linux with GUI support.
uucpssh.org: UUCP e-mail for Linux fans
In the windows world incomming mails are received via POP3 or IMAP and outgoing mails are sent directly via SMTP. This split setup can cause all kind of headaches especially if you are using different ISPs all the time.
Introduction to the TclMySQL library
MySQLTcl is a Tcl library to do SQL queries.
GUI Programming with GTK - 3
In these article series, we will learn how to write graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using GTK.
Tuxpaint: A paint program for kids
Tuxpaint is a paint program (not only) for children and it is great fun!
Statistics Anyone?
Most statistics packages seem to be overwhelming in their scope, forcing the user on a very steep learning path, most of them are also very expensive. There is however a refreshing alternative: SalStat
RPN calculators for Linux
Reverse Polish Notation is the most advanced entry method for calculators. This article will review some of the available RPN desktop calculators for Linux.
storeBackup, the unconventional backup tool
storeBackup is a very versatile backup tool.
Let's do some electronics
Software to develop electronic circuits? Yes, it's available for Linux too. This article will show you what you need.
Test: pre-installed Linux Notebooks
This is a review of notebooks from linuxcertified.com
Understanding the Proc File System
The proc filesystem is a virtual filesystem which provides a lot of infromation about hardware and kernel internal data structures.
Going 3D with Blender: Modeling a chest
In this article we model a treasure chest with Blender.
In this article, you will learn how to use the C APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that come with MySQL.
Packet filtering with Linux
How to setup a basic firewall
GUI Programming with GTK
In this article we will learn how to write graphical user interfaces (GUI) using GTK.
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A Microcontroller based DC power supply
In this article we build a very robust Microcontroller regulated power supply for your "lab" at home.
Mozilla dissected
In this article we dissect the huge lizard - in particular we investigate the browser part. It's actually a review of Mozilla 1.1 with two add-ons: 'Mouse Gestures' and 'RadialContext'.
Fail Safe Port Allocation for Linux Device Drivers
Writing a device driver is a challenging and an adventurous job. Once the device is registered in the driver's init_module routine, the resources for the device should be allocated. One of the main resources for the device is I/O port. The dynamically linked drivers, the developer should be careful to allocate unused range of port addresses for their device.
Gorm and ProjectCenter, the GNUstep RAD tools
Gorm and ProjectCenter are the Gnu Rapid Application Development tools for GNUstep
Developing Gnome Application with Python (Part 3)
RAD stands for Rapid Application Development.
(X)dialog: Talking shells
Xdialog and dialog a two classic utilities to enhance you shell scripts with a graphical user interface.
Installation of a LAMP-Systems
LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux Apache MySQL PHP. In this article you will learn how to install a Webserver based on LAMP.
Concurrent programming - Principles and introduction to processes
This series of articles has the purpose of introducing the reader to the concept of multitasking and to its implementation in the Linux operating system.
Frequency counter 1Hz-100Mhz with LCD display and RS232 interface
This article describes how to design a frequency counter with the AT90S4433 Microcontroller and Linux.
Viruses : a concern for all of us
Viruses, Worms and Trojan Horses could also be a threat to Linux.
Using BibTeXML in DocBook XML to Write Scientific Articles
BibTex is an system which enables you to insert references from a (file) database into Tex documents. In this article I will show you how you can use a BibTex like reference system with DocBook XML.
Understanding HD44780 compatible LCD-displays
This article how the interface of a HD44780 compatible LCD-displays works at bits and byte level.
Midi with alsa
This article explains how to use your computer as a midi synthesizer.
FreeBSD, another alternative
This article is an overview over another free Unix system: FreeBSD
L'heure du Jazz++
Jazz is a midi sequencer with many interesting features for editing and composing your own music!
Hardware watchdog and shutdown button
This is a simple circuit to connect to the serial line of your computer.
How to secure an heterogeneous network with free tools
Security in computers networks is probably one of the biggest technology challenges of the 21st century. This article provides a general overview over the most important aspects.
Plugins and Mozilla RC3
How I setup Mozilla RC3 for Real Player, Acrobat, Flash, and a generic plug-in Plugger.
Receiving faxes with efax
Setting up Efax to send and receive faxes on RedHat 7.2.
Book Review: Beginning Databases with MySQL
A brief review about this great book about MySQL.
Compile your own Linux kernel
This a really comprehensive article that teaches you how to download , configure, compile and install your own kernel.
Light, Camera, Action... Kino!
Connect your digital video camera via firewire to Linux and start cutting.
Editing DocBook XML Documents
This article describes the use of Kate and its XML plugin as a tool for editing DocBook XML documents
A LCD control panel for your Linux server
In this article we use an Atmel AT90S4433 microcontroller and a few other inexpensive parts to build a LCD control panel for a Linux server.
Using the Minolta Dimage 5 camera under Linux
This is a short description on how to setup the usb drivers for the Minolta Dimage 5/7 cameras under Linux
GNUMail.app, the portability evidence
A NeXTmail clone able to run under GNUstep and MacOS X with the same source code
Getting to know XML
This is a short introduction to XML. You will meet Eddy the meta cat, the XML syntax police, and some DTDs. Don't worry, we'll explain ;-)
Introduction to cryptography
This article expains what cryptography is and how it works.
Discover the universe
This article introduces 2 program for Linux to explore the universe.
The new KDE3 is out. This article will give you an idea what it would be like to try it for yourself.
Replacing a Windows NT/2000 server using Linux and SAMBA
This article is is focused on a Linux system with SAMBA in order to run some services, typically provided by Windows operating systems.
Samba Configuration
This article describes the configuration of Linux-samba, a server needed to control domains of networks based on MS-windows machines. Examples given here are based on Debian GNU/Linux and Samba 2.0.7
GCC - the root of all
This is an introduction to using gcc as a compiler.
IOS, another REBOLution
Back to the future: IOS the internet operating system
Programming the ARV Microcontroller with GCC
The article explains how to setup a GCC development environment for the AVR 8-bit risc Microcontroller series from Atmel.
Book review: The qmail Handbook
This article is a brief review of "The Qmail Handbook" from Dave Sill.
Introduction to Ncurses
Ncurses is a library that provides function-key mapping, screen painting functions and the ability to use multiple non-overlapping windows on text-based terminals.
Setting up a Squid-Proxy Server
A proxy server can help to speed up an internet connection.
Game Review - Barrel Patrol 3D
Barrel Patrol 3D is a cute little 3d game, based on Ripoff, a classical arcade game from the early 80's.
Playing around with Dingbats and The Gimp
This article shows how you can create nice logos and images from Dingbat fonts with just a few clicks.
QCad: Technical drawing with Linux
QCad is a 2D CAD system
Running applications remotely with X11
X Window System is much more than just an environment to manage the windows of graphical applications.
Developing Gnome Application with Python (Part 2)
This article series is primarily written for beginners in the area Gnome and GNU/Linux. The author presents an educational tool to write Gnome GUIs using Python.
Chrooting all services in Linux
Chrooted system services improve security by limiting damage that someone who broke into the system can possibly do
MySQL and Perl, the marriage of convenience
Using MySQL in conjunction with Perl is an old story, but still a good one.
Writing CDs with Linux
In this article we describe how you can write CDs under Linux.
Linux System Administration - A User's Guide (Book Review)
This is a review of the book titled "Linux System Administration - A User's Guide" by Marcel Gagne. The book has 532 pages and 26 chapters that cover installation, daemons, run-levels,file systems, password policy, kernel building, printing, devices, backups, network administration, secure computing, and more.
Creating fire effects with The GIMP
In this article we show a procedure to create fire effects with The GIMP in five steps
Game Review - FreeCiv
FreeCiv is an open source clone of Sid Meier's popular Civilisation
Tux's secret obsession - Gaming under Linux
This is a short overview over the gaming scene under Linux.
Sketch, vectorial drawing under Linux
The advantages of a vectorial representation over bitmap is that files are smaller and the image can be enlarged significantly without differences in rendering (pixellisation). Sketch is written in Python, an object oriented interpreted programming language.
How to use a Ramdisk for Linux
This article shows how to use RAM as a virtual harddisk.
Speeding up small databases on Linux
A Ramdisk can be used to make small PostgreSQL databases really fast.
Perl II
In the second part of the Perl tutorial we write our first real program.
Examples on how to use AWK
Nerdbank - a banking initiative for open interfaces
Nerdbank is a project to develop an open and secure banking system for worldwide electronic money transactions.
How to use your CD-ROM under Linux
This article gives a short but useful description on how to use your CD-ROM under Linux.
Dialog - a programming language for dialogs
Dialog is a programming language to program dialogs in games and computer simulations
The Tcl Syntax
This article explains basics concept and syntax of the Tcl language
Building text files with m4 macros
This article shows how to use m4 macros
Perl I
This is the start of a Perl tutorial
Interview with Dennis Ritchie
Dennis Ritchie is the one who developed C and Unix.
PostScript Part II: The Operand Stack
The author describes the operand stack of the PostScript language. The stack manipulations and mathematical operators are presented here.
RenderMan Part III
This article discusses he possibility of modeling and animating a scene using C or C!+
f-CPU Project: Attempting the "even harder"
The fPU project attempts to develop a microprocessor like the present ones allowing a development scheme close to the one guiding important free software projects.
Japanese on Linux Part I
This article takes a brief overview at how to make your Linux system Japanese-capable.
PostScript III, Arrays, Variables, Loops and Macro Definitions
This is the continuation of two previous articles about postscript.
How to remove windows
This article describes how to remove Windows and give the disk space to Linux without re-installing it
Funny shell commands
Some interesting answers form your Unix c-shell
Real-Time Linux
Basic Concepts of Real-Time.
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