Embperl - Building dynamic Websites with Perl
Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Gerald Richter / ecos gmbh www.ecos.de
Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Gerald Richter
Copyright (c) 2015-2023 actevy.io
You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
Embperl gives you the power to embed Perl code in your HTML documents
and the ability to build your Web site out of small reusable objects in
an object-oriented style. You can also take advantage of all the
usual Perl modules, (including DBI for database access) use their
functionality and easily include their output in your web pages.
Additionally Embperl support including XML, XSLT tranformations and
a lot of other sources formats.
Embperl has several features which are especially useful for creating
HTML, including dynamic tables, form field processing and validation, URL
escaping/unescaping, session handling, and more.
Embperl is a server-side tool, which means that it's browser-independent.
It can run in various ways: under mod_perl, as a CGI script, or offline.
For database access, there is a module called DBIx::Recordset, which
works well together with Embperl and simplifies creating web pages
with database content.
The following documentation is available within the distribution
Detailed list of documenation: perldoc TOC.pod
Features of Embperl: perldoc Features.pod
Introduction to basic Embperl: perldoc Intro.pod
Introduction to Embperl 2
advanced features: perldoc IntroEmbperl2.pod
Introduction to EmbperlObject: perldoc IntroEmbperlObject.pod
Installation of Embperl: perldoc INSTALL.pod
Full documentation: perldoc Config.pod
perldoc Embperl.pod
perldoc Embperl/Object.pm
perldoc Embperl/Mail.pm
perldoc Embperl/Inline.pm
Tips and Tricks: perldoc TipsAndTricks.pod
Changes: perldoc Changes.pod
Examples: eg/README
Sourcecode encryption: crypto/README
Documentation and example for
Embperl::Form can be found at: eg/forms
All the above and further information can be found at the Embperl website
All the above and further information can be found at the german Embperl website
* Embperl facilitates embedding Perl code into HTML/XML or other text documents.
Perl code is evaluated at the server side and the result is sent to the browser.
All available Perl modules can be used without any restriction.
* Allows one to build Web sites out of small reusable components in an object-oriented way.
Components can call and/or embed each other and inherit from other objects.
* Standard layout of a web-site site can be defined once and the content can be
dynamically generated by these components based on the uri. The documents need only
contain the variable portions but not the common items which define the
layout like headers/footers or navigation bars which normally form the template.
Also these common elements can be overwritten in each sub-directory.
* Embperl 2.0 thus facilitates separating code, layout and creating MVC (Model-View-Controller)
applications. Control logic can be moved into an application object,
which controls further execution of the request, while the actual pages are
containing the display code. Simple applications can still embed all the code in the pages.
* Source-code for each component can come from a different source, eg.
from file, memory or sub-request which allows one to act on the output from another Apache
application like PHP, JSP, CGI Script etc.
* Each component can be in a different source format (e.g. HTML, WML, XML, POD, ...)
and can be transformed to other output formats, say by using via XSLT.
* Supports one or more scripting syntax using Embperl, ASP, Text, Perl and others.
* Output generation is divided into small steps where each is processed by a plugable provider.
The interaction of the providers can be individually configured for each component via recipes.
* Supports caching of intermediate results and output.
* Embperl encompasses several features that ease the task of dynamic web-site content generation,
including dynamic-tables, form-field-processing, escaping/unescaping, etc.
* Contains a module for easy form input validation, which is able to validate user input
at the server side and on the client side by one definition of rules.
* Handles per-user and per-module persistent session requiring only storage and retrieval of
the session data from a special hash.
* UTF-8 Support (honours Perl's internal UTF-8 flag during in- and output)
* Offers flexible configuration options to suite individual tastes and needs.
* Fully integrated into Apache and mod_perl to acheive the best performance.
Can also run as a free standing CGI-script, off-line or can be called from another Perl program.
* The Perl module DBIx::Recordset offers high level, easy to use database access for Embperl.
* Embperl::Mail enables redirecting the result output to a mail-recipient.
* Embperl::Inline allows one to embedd Embperl code in normal Perl code
* Embperl::Form is a sophisticated library for building HTML forms
I have tested Embperl successfully on different linux distributions.
Embperl does work on Windows, but is not fully tested there.
See perldoc INSTALL.pod for installation instructions.
Hints for using Embperl 2.x and higher
Embperl 2 is totaly rewritten. Most of the Perl code is moved
into C to speed up processing. The core is totaly redesigned to
give a lot of new possibilities.
The Embperl core now works in a totaly different way. The processing
of the source towards the output is done by providers. Every provider
takes a small step. Which providers are used is defined by a recipe.
The standard Embperl recipe contains the following providers:
1 reading the source
2 parsing
3 compiling
4 executing
5 outputing
The providers work in a similar way as Unix shell programs which are
processing a single source in a pipeline towards the output. In
Embperl is is not only a smimple pipeline, but a tree structure,
so multiple sources can be incorpoarted in one result.
Recipes descripes how providers are executed.
Rearrangeing the provideres or writing and useing new ones gives
flexibility and power. Addtional to the standard Embperl providers
Embperl ships with XML parser and XSLT processor providers.
The new execution scheme is also faster, because html tags and metacommands
are parsed only once (Perl code was also (and is still) cached in 1.x)
My first benchmarks show 50%-100% faster execution under mod_perl
compared to Embperl 1.x.
Another new feature is that the syntax of the Embperl parser is defined
within the module Embperl::Syntax and can be modified as nessecary.
Embperl comes with a set of syntax definitons which can be modified by
the user. So far there are syntax definitions for SSI, Text only, Perl only,
ASP, POD, RTF and a Mail taglib. You can tell Embperl which syntax to use either in
the configuration via EMBPERL_SYNTAX, or with the syntax parameter of
Execute, or you can change the syntax dynamically inside the page via the
[$syntax $] command. You also could specify more then one syntax at the same
time, e.g. [$syntax Embperl SSI $] to mix Embperl tags and SSI tags in the same
If you'd like to create your own syntax read:
perldoc Embperl::Syntax
and look at the files under Embperl/Syntax/ for examples on how to do it.
Also new is the ability to cache (parts of) the output. See
the new configuration directives below.
Starting with 2.0b6 Embperl provides a set of new object, which allows
to access Embperl internals and manipulate the processing. Basicly there
are three major objects:
- Application
- Request
- Component
The application object is responsible for a set of pages that forms an
application. It is used to configure things like session handling and
logging which should be unique across these pages. More important
it can be overriden and the overriden object can contain the application
logic, to create a proper separation of logic and presentation.
The request object holds everything which spans a whole (HTTP-)request.
The component object is responsible for a single component, inside the
desired output. It holds things like sourcefile etc.
All three objects have a subobject which holds the configuration and a
subobject for it's current parameters.
Starting with 2.0b2 Embperl files can debugged via the interactive debugger.
The debugger shows the Embperl page source along with the correct linenumbers.
You can do anything you can do inside a normal Perl program via the debugger,
e.g. show variables, modify variables, single step, set breakpoints etc.
You can use the Perl interacive command line debugger via
perl -d embpexec.pl file.epl
or if you prefer a graphical debugger, try ddd (https://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/)
it's a great tool, also for debugging any other perl script:
ddd --debugger 'perl -d embpexec.pl file.epl'
NOTE: embpexec.pl could be found in the Embperl source directory
If you want to debug your pages, while running under mod_perl, Apache::DB is the
right thing. Apache::DB is available from CPAN.
The following differences to Embperl 1.x apply:
- When running under mod_perl you _must_ load Embperl
at server startup time. Either with a
PerlModule Embperl
in your httpd.conf or a
use Embperl ;
inside of a startup script.
You can use the Embperl configuration directives now
directly, (without PerlSetEnv/SetEnv). If you still
want to use environment varibales to configure Embperl, write
Embperl_UseEnv on
- Embperl now supports Apache 2 / mod_perl 2, but you need a additional
configuration line in your httpd.conf:
LoadModule embperl_module /path/to/perl/site/lib/Embperl/Embperl.so
- For every container in your httpd.conf (e.g. VirtualHost,Directory,Location)
where you want to define any application level configuration directives
(see below under tAppConfig for a list), you need to set a unique
value for EMBPERL_APPNAME. This is for example necessary for all
Embperl::Object parameters. Example: