diff_-L_75b			Untie DEBUG_S from DEBUG_L
diff_db_550a			Bug: watched expressions printed in debugger
diff_dyna_71a			Memory: improve dynaloader
diff_exporter_71		Memory: improve exporter
diff_hash_04-m2			Improve hashing algorithm for small hashes
diff_ipc_pod_68			Document that magic open may be evil
diff_memory_71			Memory: improve misc users of exporter
diff_os2_500			Allow function linkage declarations
diff_os2_tests_72		Ignore non-Perl-related failures on OS/2
diff_ovl_66			Add '<>', '${}' and friends
diff_ovl_76			Bug fixes, tests, docs
diff_re_bug_550			Bug: RE engine misprint (breaks Term::Cap)
diff_re_cache_68		Enable caching of compiled RE
diff_re_end_550			Bug: RE engine (majordomo related)
diff_recolor_76			Bug fixes to colored RE debugging
diff_reg_match_76ya		Adds @+ and @-
diff_regex_74			Correct 'regex' => 'regexp' in docs
diff_softlink_67b		Add weak references and prechange magic
diff_softlink_add_67		-  Update to the previous one
diff_udp_72			(Flawed) Attempt to update t/lib/io_udp.t

Digits specify the version of perl patch was created against (67 is 5.004_67,
550 is 5.005_50).