URI::ParseSearchString::More - Extract search strings from more

    version 0.16

      use URI::ParseSearchString::More;
      my $more = URI::ParseSearchString::More;
      my $search_terms = $more->se_term( $search_engine_referring_url );

    This module is a subclass of URI::ParseSearchString, so you can call any
    methods on this object that you would call on a URI::ParseSearchString
    object. This module works a little harder than its SuperClass to get you
    results. If it fails, it will return to you the results that
    URI::ParseSearchString would have returned to you anyway, so it should
    function well as a drop-in replacement.

    WWW::Mechanize is used to extract search strings from some URLs which
    contain session info rather than search params. Optionally,
    WWW::Mechanize::Cached can be used to cache your lookups. There is
    additional parsing and also a guess() method which will return good
    results in many cases of doubt.


      use URI::ParseSearchString::More;
      my $more = URI::ParseSearchString::More;
      my $search_terms = $more->se_term( $url );

  parse_search_string( $url )
    At this point, this is the only "extended" URI::ParseSearchString
    method. This method performs the following bit of logic:

    1) If the URL supplied looks to be a search query with session info
    rather than search data in the URL, it will attempt to access the URL
    and extract the search terms from the page returned.

    2) If this returns no results, the URL will be processed by parse_more()

    3) If there are still no results, the results of
    URI::ParseSearchString::se_term will be returned.

    WWW::Mechanize::Cached can be used to speed up your movement through
    large log files which may contain multiple similar URLs:

      use URI::ParseSearchString::More;
      my $more = URI::ParseSearchString::More;
      $more->set_cached( 1 );
      my $search_terms = $more->se_term( $url );

    One interesting thing to note is that* URLs have 2
    important params: "q" and "near". The same can be said for* I would think the results would be incomplete without
    including the value of "near" in the search terms for these searches.
    So, expect the following results:

      my $url = """;
      my $terms = $more->parse_search_string( $url );

      # $terms will = "home health Stratford ON"

    Engines with session info currently supported:

  se_term( $url )
    A convenience method which calls parse_search_string.

    Returns the name of the module that came up with the results on the last
    string parsed by parse_search_string(). Possible results:


  set_cached( 0|1 )
    Turn caching off and on. As of version 0.08 caching is OFF by default.
    See KNOWN ISSUES below for more info on this.

    Returns 1 if caching is currently on, 0 if it is not.

    This gives you direct access to the Mechanize object. If caching is
    enabled, a WWW::Mechanize::Cached object will be returned. If caching is
    disabled, a WWW::Mechanize object will be returned.

    If you know what you're doing, play around with it. Caveat emptor.

      use URI::ParseSearchString::More;
      my $more = URI::ParseSearchString::More;

      my $mech = $more->get_mech();
      $mech->agent("My Agent Name");

      my $search_terms = $more->se_term( $search_engine_referring_url );

  parse_more( $url )
    Handles the bulk of More's parsing. This is automatically called (if
    needed) when you pass a search string to se_term(). However, you may
    also call it directly. Just keep in mind that this method will NOT try
    to get results from URI::ParseSearchString if it comes up empty.

  guess( $url )
    For the most part, the parsing that goes on is done with specific search
    engines (ie. the ones that we already know about) in mind. However, in a
    lot cases, a good guess is all that you need. For example, a URI which
    contains a query string with the parameter "q" or "query" is generally
    the product of a search. If se_term() or parse_more() has come up empty,
    guess may just provide you with a valid search term. Then again, it may
    not. Caveat emptor.

    I've pretty much added all of the search engines I care about. If you'd
    like something added, please get in touch.

    Despite its low version number, this module is now stable.

    As of 0.13 WWW::Mechanize::Cached 1.33 is required. This solves the
    errors which were being thrown by Storable.

    Olaf Alders <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Olaf Alders.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.