NAME Getopt::Long::Modern - Use Getopt::Long with modern defaults SYNOPSIS use Getopt::Long::Modern; GetOptions( "f|foo=i" => \my $foo, "b|bar" => \my $bar, "Z|baz=s" => \my @baz, ); DESCRIPTION Getopt::Long::Modern is a simple wrapper of Getopt::Long to reduce the amount of typing needed to get modern defaults, and to avoid having to remember the correct incantations. See "Summary of Option Specifications" in Getopt::Long for details on specifying options using Getopt::Long. Only the GetOptions function from Getopt::Long is exported. Additional Getopt::Long configuration may be passed as import parameters. use Getopt::Long::Modern qw(auto_help auto_version pass_through); For any more advanced usage, you should probably use Getopt::Long directly. The equivalent Getopt::Long configuration to using this module is: use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case); DEFAULTS Getopt::Long::Modern currently sets the following configuration options by default. See "Configuring Getopt::Long" in Getopt::Long for more details on available configuration. gnu_getopt This sets gnu_compat to allow --opt= for setting an empty string option, bundling to allow short options to be bundled together, permute to allow specifying options before or after other arguments, and no_getopt_compat to disallow + for specifying options. no_ignore_case This makes all options case-sensitive, which is expected and required when explicitly specifying short options of the same character but different case. BUGS Report any issues on the public bugtracker. AUTHOR Dan Book <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Dan Book. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) SEE ALSO Getopt::Long::Descriptive, Getopt::Again, Opt::Imistic