package MooseX::Role::Hashable; =head1 NAME MooseX::Role::Hashable - Transform the object into a hash =cut use strict; use warnings; use Moose::Role; use Set::Functional qw{difference_by setify_by}; use namespace::autoclean; =head1 VERSION Version 1.04 =cut our $VERSION = '1.04'; =head1 SYNOPSIS This module adds a single method to an object to convert it into a simple hash. This is meant to act as the inverse function of I, provided nothing too crazy is going on during initialization. If the class is made immutable, the optimizer will precalculate the extracted attributes for a signifcant speed up. Example usage: package Foo; use Moose; use MooseX::Role::Hashable; has field1 => (is => 'rw'); has field2 => (is => 'ro'); has field3 => (is => 'bare'); has _field4 => (is => 'rw', init_arg => 'field4'); __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; package main; my $foo = Foo->new(field1 => 'val1', field2 => 'val2', field3 => 'val3', field4 => 'val4'); $foo->as_hash; # => {field1 => 'val1', field2 => 'val2', field3 => 'val3', field4 => 'val4'} =cut do { my $package = __PACKAGE__; package Moose::Meta::Class; use Class::Method::Modifiers (); Class::Method::Modifiers::after(make_immutable => sub { my $meta = shift; my $class = $meta->name; $class->optimize_as_hash if $class->can('does') && $class->does($package); }); Class::Method::Modifiers::before(make_mutable => sub { my $meta = shift; my $class = $meta->name; $class->deoptimize_as_hash if $class->can('does') && $class->does($package); }); }; =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 as_hash Transform the object into a hash of attribute-value pairs. All attributes, including those without a reader, are extracted. Attributes whose initial arguments differ from their name will appear using the initialization argument. Attributes which can' be initialized will be ignored. Reference values will perform a shallow copy. =cut my %CLASS_TO_ATTRIBUTES; my $extract_attributes_ref = sub { return #We only want one copy of each attribute setify_by { $_->name } #Manually taverse all attributes, get_all_attributes doesn't update #with superclass changes afte subclass immutability map { my $meta = $_->meta; map { $meta->get_attribute($_) } $meta->get_attribute_list } #Make sure attribute overrides take precedence reverse $_[0]->meta->linearized_isa; }; my $extract_ignored_ref = sub { grep { ! $_->has_init_arg } @_ }; my $extract_translated_ref = sub { map { ($_->name => $_->init_arg) } grep { $_->has_init_arg && $_->init_arg ne $_->name } @_ }; my $extract_uninitialized_ref = sub { grep { ! ($_->is_required || ! $_->is_lazy && ($_->has_builder || $_->has_default)) } @_ }; my $prepare_attributes_ref = sub { my @ignored = $extract_ignored_ref->(@_); my %translated = $extract_translated_ref->(@_); my @uninitialized = $extract_uninitialized_ref->(@_); return ( [map { $_->name } @ignored], \%translated, [difference_by { $_->name } \@uninitialized, \@ignored], ) }; sub as_hash { my $self = shift; my $cached_attributes = $CLASS_TO_ATTRIBUTES{ref $self}; my ($ignored_attributes, $translated_attributes, $uninitialized_attributes) = $cached_attributes ? @{$cached_attributes}{qw{ignored translated uninitialized}} : $prepare_attributes_ref->($extract_attributes_ref->($self)) ; my %copy = %$self; $copy{$_->name} = $_->get_value($self) for grep { ! exists $copy{$_->name} } @$uninitialized_attributes; @copy{values %$translated_attributes} = delete @copy{keys %$translated_attributes}; delete @copy{@$ignored_attributes}; return \%copy; } sub optimize_as_hash { my $class = shift; #Precalculate the attributes @{$CLASS_TO_ATTRIBUTES{$class}}{qw{ ignored translated uninitialized }} = $prepare_attributes_ref->($extract_attributes_ref->($class)); $_->optimize_as_hash for $class->meta->direct_subclasses; return; } sub deoptimize_as_hash { my $class = shift; delete $CLASS_TO_ATTRIBUTES{$class}; $_->deoptimize_as_hash for $class->meta->direct_subclasses; return; } =head1 AUTHOR Aaron Cohen, C<< >> Special thanks to: L =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This module was made possible by L (L<@ShutterTech|>). Additional open source projects from Shutterstock can be found at L. =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through the web interface at L. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc MooseX::Role::Hashable You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * Official GitHub Repo L =item * GitHub's Issue Tracker (report bugs here) L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * Official CPAN Page L =back =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013,2014 Aaron Cohen. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. =cut 1; # End of MooseX::Role::Hashable