# NAME Data::NestedKey - Object-oriented handling of deeply nested hash structures. # SYNOPSIS use Data::NestedKey; my $nk = Data::NestedKey->new( 'foo.bar.baz' => 42, 'foo.bar.qux' => 'hello' ); $nk->set('foo.bar.baz' => 99, 'foo.xyz' => [1, 2, 3]); my $baz = $nk->get('foo.bar.baz'); $nk->delete('foo.bar.baz'); print $nk->as_string(); # DESCRIPTION Data::NestedKey provides an object-oriented approach to managing deeply nested hash structures using dot-separated keys. This allows structured data to be manipulated in a clean and intuitive way without requiring manual traversal of nested hashes. While traditional hash manipulation requires explicitly iterating through nested structures, this module allows setting and retrieving values using simple text strings. The ability to specify a path using a single, dot-separated key improves readability, reduces boilerplate, and enhances efficiency when working with complex data structures. A key motivation for this module is configuration file manipulation. Many applications use structured configuration files (e.g., JSON, YAML) where default settings exist, but some values require customization. This module enables modifying specific configuration elements using intuitive dot-separated keys, making updates more straightforward. For example, given a JSON configuration file, a utility could allow: init-config foo.json session_files.dir /some/path Where the command takes the configuration file name followed by key-value pairs representing the specific elements to update. This approach provides a simple and effective way to adjust settings without needing to manually traverse the configuration structure. The class also supports serialization in multiple formats, controlled by package variables: - `$Data::NestedKey::JSON_PRETTY` (default: 1) Controls whether JSON output is formatted prettily or in a compact form. - `$Data::NestedKey::FORMAT` (default: 'JSON') Specifies the serialization format. Supported formats: - JSON (default) - YAML - Data::Dumper - Storable # METHODS AND SUBROUTINES ## new(\[$hash\_ref\], @kv\_list) Creates a new Data::NestedKey object. If no arguments are provided, initializes with an empty structure. Optionally, an initial hash reference can be supplied. Key-value pairs may also be provided for immediate population. Returns a `Data::NestedKey` object. ## set(@kv\_list) Inserts, updates, appends, or removes values in the nested structure using dot-separated keys. - If a key already exists and holds a scalar, assigning a new value will \*\*replace\*\* it. - If the \`+\` prefix is used (e.g., \`+key\`), the value will be \*\*appended\*\*: $nk->set('foo.bar' => 1); $nk->set('+foo.bar' => 2); $nk->set('+foo.bar' => 3); # foo.bar now contains [1, 2, 3] - If the \`+\` prefix is used with a hash, it merges keys instead of replacing: $nk->set('config' => { key1 => 'val1' }); $nk->set('+config' => { key2 => 'val2' }); # config now contains { key1 => 'val1', key2 => 'val2' } - If the \`-\` prefix is used (e.g., \`-key\`), the value is \*\*removed\*\*: $nk->set('-foo.bar' => 2); # If foo.bar is an array, it removes element '2' # If foo.bar is a hash, it removes key '2' # Otherwise, it deletes foo.bar entirely Returns the object itself. ## get(@key\_paths) Retrieves values from the nested structure based on dot-separated keys. Returns a list of values corresponding to the requested keys. ## delete(@key\_paths) Removes the specified keys from the nested structure. Returns the object itself. ## exists\_key(@key\_paths) Checks whether the given keys exist in the nested structure. Returns a list of boolean values (1 for exists, 0 for does not exist). ## as\_string() Serializes the nested structure into a string using the specified format. You can also use the "" to interpolate the object into its serialized representation. Set the `$Data::NestedKey::FORAMAT` variable if you want to change the default format from JSON to another format. Returns a string representation of the data. ## clear() Clears all stored data in the object. Returns the object itself. # AUTHORS Rob Lauer <rlauer6@comcast.net> # SEE ALSO [Data::Dumper](https://metacpan.org/pod/Data%3A%3ADumper), [JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON), [YAML](https://metacpan.org/pod/YAML), [Storable](https://metacpan.org/pod/Storable) # LICENSE This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.