# easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper
easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper is a wrapper program for the easyDifferentialGeneCoexpression.r R script (<a href="https://github.com/davidechicco/easyDifferentialGeneCoexpression" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">developed by Davide Chicco</a>).

## Summary
<p>This is a wrapper program for the easyDifferentialGeneCoexpression.r whose function is to detect pairings of genes/probesets with the highest, significant differential coexpression. For more information, (<a href="https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/easyDifferentialGeneCoexpression/index.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">see this description manual</a>).</p>

## easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper dependencies
The dependencies (<i>i.e.</i> packages) used by easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper are:


## Installation
easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper can be used on any Linux, macOS, or Windows machines. On the Windows operating system you will need to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) compatibility layer (<a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">quick installation instructions</a>). Once WSL is launched, the user can follow the easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper installation instructions described below.

To run the program, you need to have the following programs installed on your computer:

<p><ul><li><b>Perl</b> (version 5.8.0 or later)</li></ul></p>
<p><ul><li><b>cURL</b> (version 7.68.0 or later)</li></ul></p>
<p><ul><li><b>R programming language</b> (version 4 or later)</li></ul></p>
By default, Perl is installed on all Linux or macOS operating systems. Likewise, cURL is installed on all macOS versions. cURL/R may not be installed on Linux/macOS. They would need to be manually installed through your operating system's software centres. cURL will be installed automatically on Linux Ubuntu by easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper.

<b>Manual install:</b>
perl Makefile.PL
make install

On Linux Ubuntu, you might need to run the last command as a superuser
(`sudo make install`) and you will need to manually install (if not
already installed in your Perl 5 configuration) the following packages:


sudo apt-get install -y libfile-homedir-perl


sudo apt -y install cpanminus

<b>CPAN install:</b>

cpanm App::easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper

<b>To uninstall:</b>

cpanm --uninstall App::easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper
On Linux Ubuntu, you might need to run the two previous CPAN commands as a superuser (`sudo cpanm App::easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper` and `sudo cpanm --uninstall App::easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper`).

## Execution instructions
The command for running easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper is:

easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper -a "PROBESETS_OR_GENE_SYMBOLS" -f "INPUT_FILE" -d "GEO_DATASET_CODE" -v "FEATURE_NAME" -v1 "CONDITION_1" -v2 "CONDITION_2" -o "OUTPUT_FILE"

An example usage command for computing the differential coexpression of probesets in the (<a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE30201" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">GSE30201 gene expression dataset</a>) is: 

easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper -a "PROBESETS" -f "dc_probeset_list03.csv" -d "GSE30201" -v "source_name_ch1" -v1 "Patient" -v2 "Normal" -o result.out
When using this command, the output files of easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper will be found in the `~/easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper_files/results/` directory, created in the user's home directory.

The mandatory command line options are described below:


A flag to indicate type of data (probesets or gene symbols) being read during execution


The name of the CSV file listing the probesets or the gene symbols


GEO dataset code of the microarray platform for which the probeset-gene symbol mapping should be done


Name of the feature of the dataset that contains the two conditions to investigate


Name of the first condition in the feature to discriminate (for example, "healthy")


Name of the second condition in the feature to discriminate (for example, "can-


Name of the output file where the output data for the differential coexpression of probesets are written

<p>Help information can be read by typing the following command:</p>

easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper -h

<p>This command will print the following instructions:</p>

Usage: easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper -h

Mandatory arguments:
	-a                    GENE_SYMBOLS
	-f                    user-specified CSV file
	-d                    GEO dataset code
	-v                    feature name
	-v1                   condition 1
	-v2                   condition 2
	-o                    output results file
	-h                    show help message and exit

## Copyright and License

Copyright 2022 by Abbas Alameer (Kuwait University)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2).</a>

## Contact
<p>easyDifferentialGeneCoexpressionWrapper was developed by:<br>
<a href="http://kuweb.ku.edu.kw/biosc/People/AcademicStaff/Dr.AbbasAlameer/index.htm" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Abbas Alameer</a> (Kuwait University)</br>

For information, please contact Abbas Alameer at abbas.alameer(AT)ku.edu.kw</p>