PDF::Collage - PDF manipulation with scissors and glue


    This document describes PDF::Collage version 0.002.


       use PDF::Collage qw< collage >;
       # $input might be... many things
       my $collage = collage($input);
       my $pdf = $collage->render(\%data);


    PDF::Collage helps generate an object wrapping either a
    PDF::Collage::Template or a PDF::Collage::TemplatesCollection
    (collectively referred as renderable object).

    These allow eventually generate PDF::Builder objects, after applying
    the supported transformations; this allows the generated PDF to be
    saved (e.g. using the saveas method of the PDF::Builder object).

    The Do What I Mean interface "collage" is a one-stop-shop for getting
    one such object; it accepts a variety of inputs, including TAR bundles
    (or their directory counterparts).

    This distribution supports two basic types of inputs:

      * definition representing single templates, allowing the
      instantiation of a PDF::Collage::Template object;

      * anything that can be turned into a Data::Resolver object, leading
      to a PDF::Collage::TemplatesCollection (which, in turn, manages a
      collection of PDF::Collage::Template objects).

 Single Template Example

    The details about the format for single templates can be found in the
    documentation for PDF::Collage::Template.

    The following is an example of a possible sequence of commands, which
    take page 5 from a pre-existing PDF file available in the filesystem
    and put some text over it in selected positions.

       [  # a template is basically a sequence of commands in an array
          {  # set defaults for other commands
             op => 'set-defaults',
             font => 'DejaVuSans.ttf',
             'font-size' => 12,
             level => 'INFO',
             op => 'log',
             message => 'starting operations...',
             level   => 'WARN', # override defaults
          {  # add-page by defaults appends to the end
             op => 'add-page',
             from => 'existing-file.pdf', # relative to current dir
             'from-page' => 5,
             op => 'add-text',
             x => 10,
             y => 20,
             text => 'this is verbatim text',
          {  # text-template, rendered via Template::Perlish
             op => 'add-text',
             x => 10,
             y => 40,
             'text-template' => '[% foo %] is [% bar.baz %]',
          {  # text-variable, rendered via Template::Perlish
             op => 'add-text',
             x => 10,
             y => 60,
             'text-variable' => 'bar.baz',
             op => 'add-image',
             path => 'logo.png',   # relative to current dir
             x => 10,
             y => 150,
             width => 50,
             height => 50,
             op => 'log',
             message => 'that's all folks!',

    The template can refer anything in the filesystem, hence it's up to the
    user to make sure that the elements are properly available in the
    specific paths (in the example above, it would be the PDF file
    existing-file.pdf and the image file logo.png, both assumed to be in
    the current directory).

    Refer to "Templates Collection" for something more cohesive.

 Templates Collection

    A templates collection is... a collection of templates. It allows
    carrying around multiple templates at once, as well as artifacts that
    are deemed important to have around, e.g. because they are referred
    from the commands. As such, a collection might technically contain a
    single template.

    A collection always needs a Data::Resolver-compatible function to work
    properly. Details are in the documentation for
    PDF::Collage::TemplatesCollection, here's an example of the structure
    of the keys that it should support:


    Every key ending with .json and starting with definitions/, optionally
    prefixed with ./ (to cope with possible variations in TAR archives) is
    considered a file containing the instructions valid for a single

    The name part (in the example bar, foo, and galook) is the selector,
    which can be used to retrieve that specific sequence of commands from
    the collection via "get" in PDF::Collage::TemplatesCollection, getting
    back a PDF::Collage::Template object.

    To retrieve elements from the resolver, e.g. to get a page from the
    existing-file.pdf or the image logo.png, it's possible to use two
    functions that are injected in the Template::Perlish namespace, namely
    as_data and as_file, depending on the needs. The following fragment is
    a command for taking page 5 from the document accessible through the
    resolver and the image too:

             op => 'add-page',
             'from-page' => 5,
             from => '[%= as_file("existing-file.pdf") %]',
             op => 'add-image',
             path => '[%= as_file("logo.png") %]',
             x => 10,
             y => 150,
             width => 50,
             height => 50,

    Note that it's necessary to open the template part with [%= to get the
    filename back into the data.

    By default, the injected function as_file will try to keep the
    extension, derived from the provided key assuming it's a filename-like
    string. Everything after the first dot is kept. It's possible to
    disable this renaming (if and when it occurs) by passing a second
    parameter with a false value, like in as_file($key, 0).


    This module has a function-oriented interface.


       my $pc = collage($input);
       my $pc = collage(auto => $input);      # same as above
       my $pc = collage(resolver => $data_resolver_instance); # Data::Resolver
       my $pc = collage(dir => $path_to_dir);
       my $pc = collage(tar => $path_to_tar);
       my $pc = collage(definition => \%hash_definition);
       my $pc = collage(definition => \@array_definition);
       my $pc = collage(definition => $json_hash_or_array);

    This is a Do What I Mean catchall function to generate an instance of
    either PDF::Collage::Template or PDF::Collage::TemplatesCollection.

    The function acts as a dispatcher to one of the other functions:
    "collage_from_definition", "collage_from_dir", "collage_from_resolver",
    and "collage_from_tar".


       my $pc = collage_from_definition($definition);

    Generate a renderable object from a $definition.

    If the definition is a string starting with either { or [, it is
    considered a valid JSON string and decoded as such, then processed as

    If the definition is an array reference, it is turned into an hash
    reference with a single key commands, associated to the array reference
    as value.

    If the definition is an hash reference, it is considered a suitable
    input for instantiating an object from PDF::Collage::Template, which is
    returned back.


       my $pc = collage_from_dir($path, %other_args);

    This function is a thin wrapper around "collage_from_resolver"; it
    first instantiates a Data::Resolver object of factory type
    resolver_from_dir, using the provided $path and %other_args, then
    passes the resulting object to "collage_from_resolver".


       my $pc = collage_from_resolver($resolver);

    Instantiate a PDF::Collage::TemplatesCollection object passing
    $resolver as the value associated to key resolver.


       my $pc = collage_from_tar($path, %other_args);

    This function is a thin wrapper around "collage_from_resolver"; it
    first instantiates a Data::Resolver object of factory type
    resolver_from_tar, using the provided $path and %other_args, then
    passes the resulting object to "collage_from_resolver".


    Minimum perl version 5.24.

    Report bugs through GitHub (patches welcome) at


    Flavio Poletti <>


    Copyright 2023 by Flavio Poletti <>

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
    a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    implied. See the License for the specific language governing
    permissions and limitations under the License.