
A Perl package for accessing and modifying JPEG meta-data.

This package provides an interface for reading and interpreting the
content of JPEG segments, in particular of those segments containing
metadata (like TIFF headers, thumbnails, Exif info, IPTC info, comments
...). Some segments can even be modified and rewritten to disk. Maybe,
it will be extended to TIFF files in the future. I am too lazy to
describe the module again here, so have a look at the accompanying
documentation. This module is still EXPERIMENTAL: use it at your own risk.

There is a small script in the distribution, named read_JPEG_metadata, 
which you can use to take a quick glance to the content of JPEG files:
	Usage: ./read_JPEG_metadata file [files]

The author can be contacted at: Stefano Bettelli <>

To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

The first lines of the ChangeLog file are a summary of the main
changes from the last public release.

This module was designed in order to depend on the least possible number
of modules. Currently, it only requires "integer" (in addition to, of
course, "strict" and "warnings"). It was developed with Perl ~ 5.8,
on a Debian/Linux box.

Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2006 by Stefano Bettelli

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the COPYING
and LICENSE file for the license terms.