Business::Giropay - Giropay payments API

    Version 0.102

    Business::Giropay implement's Giropay's GiroCheckout API to make direct
    calls to Giropay's payments server.

    Giropay facilitates payments via various provider networks in addition
    to their own. This module currently supports the following networks:

    eps - EPS (Austria)
    giropay - Giropay's own network (Germany)
    ideal - iDEAL (The Netherlands)

    Contributions to allow this module to support other networks available
    via Giropay are most welcome.

        use Business::Giropay;

        my $giropay = Business::Giropay->new(
            network    => 'giropay',
            merchantId => '123456789',
            projectId  => '1234567',
            sandbox    => 1,
            secret     => 'project_secret',

        my $response = $giropay->transaction(
            merchantTxId => 'tx-10928374',
            amount       => 2938,               # 29.38 in cents
            currency     => 'EUR',
            purpose      => 'Test Transaction',
            bic          => 'TESTDETT421',
            urlRedirect  => '',
            urlNotify    => '',

        if ( $response->success ) {
            # all is good so redirect customer to GiroCheckout
        else {
            # transaction request failed

    "urlRedirect" and "urlNotify" can also be passed to "new":

        use Business::Giropay;

        my $giropay = Business::Giropay->new(
            network     => 'giropay',
            merchantId  => '123456789',
            projectId   => '1234567',
            urlRedirect => '',
            urlNotify   => '',
            sandbox     => 1,
            secret      => 'project_secret',

        my $response = $giropay->transaction(
            merchantTxId => 'tx-10928374',
            amount       => 2938,               # 29.38 in cents
            currency     => 'EUR',
            purpose      => 'Test Transaction',
            bic          => 'TESTDETT421',

        if ( $response->success ) {
            # all is good so redirect customer to GiroCheckout
        else {
            # transaction request failed

    Elsewhere in your "urlNotify" route:

        my $notification = $giropay->notification( %request_params );

        if ( $notification->success ) {
            # save stuff in DB - customer probably still on bank site
        else {
            # bad stuff happened - make a note of it

    And in the "urlRedirect" route:

        my $notification = $giropay->notification( %request_params );

        if ( $notification->success ) {
            # we should already have earlier notification but check anyway
            # in case customer came back before we received it then thank
            # customer for purchase
        else {
            # bad stuff - check out the details and tell the customer

    See "ATTRIBUTES" in Business::Giropay::Role::Core for full details of
    the following attributes that can be passed to "new".

    *   network

    *   merchantId

    *   projectId

    *   sandbox

    *   secret

    See "ATTRIBUTES" in Business::Giropay::Role::Urls for full details of
    the following attributes that can be passed to "new".

    *   urlRedirect

    *   urlNotify

    NOTE: it is not necessary to pass in any attributes that were already
    passed to "new" since they are passed through automatically.

  bankstatus %attributes
    This API call checks if a bank supports the giropay/eps payment method.

    Returns a Business::Giropay::Response::Bankstatus object.

    See "ATTRIBUTES" in Business::Giropay::Request::Bankstatus for full
    details of the following attribute that can be passed to this method:

    *   bic

    Returns a Business::Giropay::Response::Issuer object which includes a
    list which contains all supported giropay/eps/ideal issuer banks.

  transaction %attributes
    This API call creates the start of a transaction and returns a
    Business::Giropay::Response::Transaction object. If the response
    indicates success then customer can be redirected to "redirect" in
    Business::Giropay::Response::Transaction to complete payment.

    Returns a Business::Giropay::Response::Transaction object.

    See "ATTRIBUTES" in Business::Giropay::Request::Transaction for full
    details of the following attributes that can be passed to this method:

    *   merchantTxId

    *   amount

    *   currency

    *   purpose

    *   bic

    *   urlRedirect

    *   urlNotify

  notification %query_params
    Accepts query parameters and returns a Business::Giropay::Notification

  status %attributes
    Returns a Business::Giropay::Response::Status object with details of the
    requested transaction.

    See "ATTRIBUTES" in Business::Giropay::Request::Status for full details
    of the following attribute that can be passed to this method:

    *   reference

    GiroCheckout API <> which has links
    for the various payment network types (giropay, eps, etc). For "status"
    see <>.

    Add more of Giropay's payment networks.

    Many thanks to CALEVO Equestrian <> for
    sponsoring development of this module.

    Copyright 2016 Peter Mottram (SysPete) <>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of Perl itself.