#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); #<? read_starfish_conf(); echo "\$VERSION = $ModuleVersion;"; !>#+ $VERSION = 2.007;#- #+ $VERSION = 2.007; #- # $Revision: 1.26 $ use Text::Ngrams; use Getopt::Long; my ($help, $version, $orderby, $onlyfirst, $limit, $spartan); my $n = 3; my $type = 'character'; sub help { print <<EOF; Usage: $0 [options] [files] Compute the ngram frequencies and produce tables to the stdout. Options: --n=N The default is 3-grams. --normalize Produce normalized frequencies (divided by the total number of n-grams of the same size) --type=T The default is character. Other types include: byte, words, utf8, or there can be user-defined types. --limit=N Limit the number of distinct n-grams. BEWARE: Final tables may be inaccurate if limit is used. --help Show this help. --version Show version. --orderby=ARG ARG can be: frequency or ngram. --onlyfirst=N Only first N ngrams are printed for each n. --spartan If specified, only the n-grams of maximal length are printed. The options can be shortened to their unique prefixes and the two dashes to one dash. No files means using STDIN. NOTE: The documentation of the module Text::Ngrams.pl provides more information. EOF exit(1); } my ($opt_normalize); help() unless GetOptions('n=i' => \$n, 'normalize' => \$opt_normalize, 'type=s' => \$type, 'limit=i' => \$limit, 'help' => \$help, 'version' => \$version, 'orderby=s' => \$orderby, 'onlyfirst=i' => \$onlyfirst, 'spartan' => \$spartan); help() if $n < 1 || int($n) != $n; sub version { print $VERSION, "\n"; exit(1); } help() if $help; version() if $version; my %params = ( windowsize=>$n, type=>$type); if (defined($limit) and ($limit > 0)) { $params{'limit'} = $limit } my $ng = Text::Ngrams->new( %params ); if ($#ARGV > -1) { $ng->process_files(@ARGV) } else { $ng->process_files(\*STDIN) } %params = ( 'out' => \*STDOUT ); if (defined($orderby) and $orderby) { $params{'orderby'} = $orderby } if (defined($onlyfirst) and $onlyfirst>0) { $params{'onlyfirst'} = $onlyfirst } if ($opt_normalize) { $params{'normalize'} = $opt_normalize } if ($spartan) { $params{'spartan'} = $spartan } print $ng->to_string( %params ); exit(0); __END__ =head1 NAME ngrams - Compute the ngram frequencies and produce tables to the stdout. =head1 SYNOPIS ngram [--version] [--help] [--n=3] [--normalize] [--type=TYPE] [--orderby=ORD] [--onlyfirst=N] [input files] =head1 DESCRIPTION This script produces n-grams tables of the input files to the standard ouput. Options: =over 4 =item --normalize Prints normalized n-gram frequencies; i.e., the n-gram counts divided by the total number of n-grams of the same size. =item --onlyfirst=NUMBER Prints only the first NUMBER n-grams for each n. See Text::Ngrams module. =item --limit=NUMBER Limit the total number of distinct n-grams (for efficiency reasons, the counts may not be correct at the end). =item --version Prints version. =item --help Prints help. =item --n=NUMBER N-gram size, produces 3-grams by default. =item --orderby=frequency|ngram The n-gram order. See Text::Ngrams module. =item --type=character|byte|word|utf8 Type of n-grams produces. See Text::Ngrams module. =head1 PREREQUISITES Text::Ngrams, Getopt::Long =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Text::Statistics =head1 README N-gram analysis for various kinds of n-grams (character, words, bytes, utf8, and user-defined). Based on Text::Ngrams module. =head1 SEE ALSO Text::Ngrams module. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003-2019 Vlado Keselj F<http://web.cs.dal.ca/~vlado> This module is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The latest version can be found at F<http://web.cs.dal.ca/~vlado/srcperl/>. =cut