* Requirements * - perl - Catalyst (http://www.catalystframework.org/) - postgresql (http://www.postgresql.org/) - a smtp server * Installation from source code * perl Makefile.PL make install On the database serveur: - You may want to create a specific user: From postgres as administrator: CREATE ROLE 'rolename' WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'rolepassword'; From command line: createuser 'rolename' --password - Create a database owned by this role: From postgres as administrator: CREATE DATABASE 'basename' OWNER TO 'rolename'; From command line: createdb basename -O rolename - restore the based schema with sql/postgres.dump AS rolename psql -u rolename basename < sql/postgres.dump (Refer to postgresql documentation for more options) Copy the vote.yml.example to /etc/vote.yml then edit it: - change the db settings (and probably the smtp one) - configure apache to use either the cgi or fast_cgi program or run it as a standalone server. Enjoy ! * WARNING * This application is provide as is, without any warranty. This file is just a quick installation guide to install the application does it best to respect basic rules of elections but do not provide information about security YOU should provide around to avoid fraud. * Contact * Olivier Thauvin <olivier dot thauvin at latmos dot ipsl dot fr>