Template-Plain version 1.00 =========================== I know, I know. Another templating module? Why? Don't we have enough of those already? But wait! This one may just be the wheel you've all been reinventing because available templating systems were overkill for what you needed, had a few too many dependencies, had a learning curve that was a little too steep, or were just too bloated. Template::Plain doesn't have a dozen different delimiters or its own mini- language to learn. If it weren't for its test suite, it'd have no dependencies at all. And, though it's claimed compatibility is only back to 5.6.0, it should be compatible with early 5.0 versions if 'use warnings' were removed and its $VERSION variable were declared with 'use vars' instead of 'our'. Template::Plain is nearly braindead in its simplicity. You create templates with some delimited tags, tell Template::Plain what to replace those tags with, and that's pretty much it. Oh, it might have a bell or a whistle, but probably not more than one of each. One feature that's really quite handy is it's way of determining where to get the content for the template. Of course, you can pass it explicitly. But when you don't, Template::Plain looks for it in a couple places. First it looks in the DATA section of the calling package. If not there, it tries the DATA section of the main package. And, if not there, it falls back to the ARGV file handle. It takes very little imagination to come up with some good uses for this behavior. Template::Plain allows the filling of place holders with the result returned by some code or the contents of an array (you can specify the output delimiter.) It also allows you to change the delimiters for the placeholders and to recursively fill templates. This feature is rarely used but quite powerful. I have been using a version of this module--well more like an exact copy except for its name and documentation--for many years now. I released it once in a post on Perlmonks.org but never put it up on CPAN. I don't know why not. It's one of my personal goto modules and, hands down, one of the most generally useful modules I've ever written. Please enjoy! Jeremy Madea <jeremy@cpan.org> INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires Test::More for testing only. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2012 by Jeremy Madea This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.