=head1 NAME Mikrotik - Perl interface for Mikrotik devices. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mikrotik; $user = 'foo'; $password = 'bar'; $ip = ''; $dev = new Mikrotik ( ip=> $ip, user=>$user, password=> $password); $dev->ip; # get the IP address object; $dev->arp; # get the ARP table from device; $dev->set_clock; # set the device clock $dev->reboot; # reboot the device $dev->address_add ( ethernet_interface, ip_address, netmask ); # Edd the IP address for ethernet interface. # Ethernet_interface= 'eth0', 'eth1' .. etc $dev->address_remove ( ethernet_interface, ip_address ) # Remove the IP addreess from ethernet interface $dev->address_change ( ethernet_interface, ip_address , user , password); # Change the current ip address to the new one. # User/password are needed for connection to new IP address $dev->dns_set ( ip_address, type); # Set the DNS. type = primary/sevondary. $dev->dns_get; # Get the DNS. $dev->free_space; # Free space onm the device; $dev->time # Get the time; $dev->free_memory; $dev->total_memory; =cut =head2 NOTES This is tested for RB333. =cut # The POD text continues at the end of the file. package Mikrotik; use strict; use Net::SSH::Perl; use Net::IP; use Net::Netmask; use Class::Date; use Log::Log4perl; $VERSION = 0.1; our $ssh; sub new { my ($this,%params) = @_; my $class = ref $this|| $this; my $ip = new Net::IP ( $params{ip} )|| die ('IP ERROR'); $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new ($ip->ip); $ssh->login( $params{user}, $params{password} ); my $debug = 0; $debug = 1 if $params{debug} == 1; #TO DO - debug return bless { debug => $debug }, $class; }; sub ip (){ my ($self,$ip_address)=@_; my $netmask; my ($ip) = $ip_address =~ m/^\W*(\d+\W\d+\W\d+\W\d+)/; my $netmask = $ip_address =~ m/\/(\S+)$/; $ip = new Net::IP ($ip) or die ( Net::IP::Error() ); $netmask = new Net::Netmask ($ip_address) if $netmask; return ($ip,$netmask); } sub arp { my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('/ip arp print'); return unless $output; my @list; while ( $output =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\W+(\w+:\w+:\w+:\w+:\w+:\w+)\W+(\w+)/g ) { push @list ,{ ip => $1, mac_address => $2, interface => $3 ,}; } return @list; }; sub set_clock { my ($self,$param)= @_; my ($output,$err,$std_err); if ( defined $param->{time} ){ ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('system clock set time=' . $param->{time} ) if $param->{time} =~ /\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}/; } if ( defined $param->{date} ){ ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('system clock set date=' . $param->{date}) if $param->{date} =~ /\w+\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}/; } return 1; }; sub reboot { my ($self,$param)= @_; my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('system reboot' ); return 1; }; sub address_add { my ($self,$interface,$ip_address,$netmask)=@_; return unless $interface; my ($ip,$netmask) = $self->ip($ip_address); my $cmd = "/ip addr add interface=$interface address=" . $ip->ip . " netmask=" . $netmask->mask; my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd("$cmd"); return 1 unless $err; return; }; sub address_remove { my ($self,$interface,$ip_address)=@_; return unless $interface; return unless $ip_address; my ($ip,$netmask) = $self->ip($ip_address); $ip_address = $ip->ip .'/' . $netmask->bits; my $cmd = '{ :foreach a in=[/ip address find interface=' . $interface .'] do={ :if ( [ /ip address get $a address ] = "' . $ip_address . '" ) do={ /ip address remove $a } } }' ; my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd("$cmd"); return 1 unless $err == 0 ; return; }; sub address_change { my ($self,$interface,$ip_address,$user,$password) = @_ ; return unless $interface; my ($ip,$netmask) = $self->ip($ip_address); my $cmd = "/ip address print terse where interface=$interface"; my($output, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd($cmd); return if $stderr; my ($ip_old) = $output =~ m/address=(\S+)\b/; my ($ip_old,$netmask_old) = $self->ip($ip_old); $netmask = $netmask_old unless $netmask; $ip_address = $ip->ip .'/' . $netmask->bits; return unless $self->address_add($interface,$ip_address); ###Connect to new IP if ($user && $password){ $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new ($ip->ip); $ssh->login($user,$password); } my $cmd = "/ip address print count-only where interface=$interface"; ($output, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh ->cmd($cmd); return unless $output>1; print 'OK'; ###delete old IP return 1 if $self->address_remove ($interface,$ip_old); return; }; sub dns_set { my ($self,$ip_address,$type) = @_ ; return unless $ip_address; return unless $type; $type = $type . '-dns'; my ($ip,$netmask) = $self->ip($ip_address); my $cmd = "/ip dns set $type=" . $ip->ip; my ($output, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh ->cmd($cmd); return $output; } sub dns_get { my ($self,$type) = @_ ; return unless $type; $type = $type . '-dns'; my $cmd = "{:put [ ip dns get $type ]}"; my ($output, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh ->cmd($cmd); return $output; } sub uptime { my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('{:put [/system resource get uptime]}'); return unless $output; return $output; }; sub device { my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('{:put [/system resource get board-name]}'); return unless $output; return $output; }; sub free_memory { my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('{:put [/system resource get free-memory]}'); return unless $output; return $output; }; sub total_memory { my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('{:put [/system resource get total-memory]}'); return unless $output; return $output; }; sub free_space { my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('{:put [/system resource get free-hdd-space]}'); return unless $output; return $output; }; sub time { my $month_map = { 'jan' => 1, 'feb' => 2, 'mar' => 3, 'apr' => 4, 'may' => 5, 'jun' => 6, 'jul' => 7, 'aug' => 8, 'sep' => 9, 'oct' => 10, 'nov' => 11, 'dec' => 12, }; my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('{:put [/system clock get date]}'); return unless $output; my ($month,$day,$year) = $output=~ /(\w+)\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4})/; $month = $month_map->{$month}; my ($output,$err,$std_err)= $ssh->cmd('{:put [/system clock get time]}'); return unless $output; my ($hour,$min,$sec) = $output=~ /(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})/; return new Class::Date([$year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,$sec]); }; package Hotspot::Device::RB333; 1;